am an Oxford-educated cougar living in Hampshire. To supplement my erotica earnings I work part time as a secretary for criminal
defence lawyers, am a landlady to foreign students, a portrait
photographer and a freelance features writer.
like to think I'm respectable, opinionated, intelligent and funny,
and at the school gate you wouldn't have me down as a kinky
dominatrix who in her spare time writes about threesomes, lesbian sex
and spanking. Some people wonder where, in a life full of sons, lodgers,
meals, commuting and deadlines, I find the time, but there is always
time for fantasy. Idling at traffic lights, stirring a sauce,
scrubbing a loo - as any writer knows, if you have a fertile enough
imagination, you will find inspiration anywhere. Write about
anything, real or imagined.
always ask what triggers my stories, particularly the erotica. Well,
it can be a conversation, an anecdote, a tableau glimpsed through a
moving window. Personal memories. A random thought (while scrubbing
aforesaid loo), an imagined scenario. Writing is a wonderful way of
escaping the world but also of enhancing your observations of it.
it wasn't until I found myself a single mother at 27 and waiting for
my knight in shining armour that I decided to try my hand firstly at
Mills and Boon. Well, respect to romantic authors, because it isn't
as easy as they make it look. I was rejected despite setting my
novels in every exotic place I'd ever been to: Venice, Cairo and, er,
one helpful editor spelled out that, as well as other faults, my sex
scenes were, well, too sexy. Too explicit. Hell, I reckoned that if
I could do explicit, then I may as be paid for it.
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